YUVA NIDHI SCHEME: It is informed to the students who have passed their degree in 2022-2023, 2023 -2024 can apply for Yuva Nidhi scheme of government of Karnataka. Candidates can apply online at the Seva Sindhu portal or through Grama One, Karnataka One, or Bapuji Seva Centres.

Architecture Activities

S.No Year Activities
1. 2019-2020
  • HACKATHON- A National level competition on “Innovative Development of Software” was held at SAC Building, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi on 13th & 14th Sept.  2019 Our students participated & designed a floating house under the category of ‘Flood Relief’ under the guidance of Reshma Praveen (Mentor) and the project was mentioned under special category. (Visuals attached)

          Team – 30       

           Student participated- 

  • Pallavi Patil,
  • Shruti R. P,
  • Sonali P,
  • Supreet R,
  • Rishab 
  • Yathish
2. 2015-2016

Workshop on Sustaining the Village.

A 2-Day Workshop event was organized by IIA –Kalaburagi Centre in Association with Dept. of Architecture, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi at SAC Seminar Hall,PDACEK.

The Prime focus for this workshop was to generate Ideas from younger generation in tackling the issues of current scenarios in terms of traffic, Zoning, Services issues etc.

Staff Incharge.

  • Ar. Sushim B. Chinde
activities not yet created...!
S.No Year Activities
1. 2019-2020

Workshop on Geodesic Dome.

The Department of civil engineering and architecture of P.D.A.College of Engineering held one - day workshop on geodesic dome in association with design hub bangaluru for students of 3rd year. 

The objective of the workshop was to construct temporary and low cost house in short duration and much helpful for flood rehabilitation. Students where demonstrated with prototype session and hands on site installation session.

Staff Incharge.

  • Ar. Sharan C. Patil 
2. 2018-2019

Workshop on Creative Landscape Design. (Sponsored by TEQIP - 3)

Architects are Artists that communicate through space and form. Ideas are built in three dimensions that can be inhabited by others.

The learning influence of art on architecture in a subject Art in Architecture. So to make students understand more about the subject and the art, the 4 day workshop was conducted. The workshop will allow the Artist like Nadoja. J. S. Kanderao sir & K. Hiremath sir to demonstrate Live Paintings for students. To understand the perspective of fore ground & background, form, color mixing Etc.

Staff Incharge.

  • Art. Amruth M. Sahu.


3. 2015-2016

Workshop on Research Based Project.

This workshop was conducted to asses various techniques and parameter for analysis of heritage structures in and around Kalaburagi region. This involved students in Surveying, identifying and recording numerous heritage structures which were not documented. a total of 24 students of Dept,of Architecture,PDA college of Engineering,Kalaburagi along with representatives from Indian Heritage Cities Network (IHCN) participated and visited various sites of importance around Kalaburagi region.

Staff Incharge.

Ar. Vaibhav Navni.

Ar. Sushim B. Chinde

4. 2013-2014


(Workshop & Exhibit of 2D & 3D model by 1st Semester Students)

Working of 2D & 3D models enables students to explore art and design skills and know about basic material media and methods. Develop visual language skills and learn how to develop ideas, it provides an opportunity to maximize the potential in creating an idea into 3D model. It helps in understanding the contemporary design work.

Staff Incharge.

  • Art. Amruth M. Sahu.
  • Art. Kashi Chetty.
  • Ar. Anju Kumari Wanti.
5. 2011-2012


Sculpture in itself is an epitome of inspiration, the thoughts process as well as know begins from scraps, as in bits and pieces of our imagination, culminating to form a higher order of art. 

The aim of the SCULPTURE CAMP was to instigate this ideology and to open up the minds of student to create something out of nothing and to break the rigid line of thoughts and evolve them into a free flowing river of endless ideas.

Staff Incharge. 

  • Art. Amruth M. Sahu.
  • Art. Kashi Chetty.
S.No Year Activities
1. 2018-2019
  • Two trophies won by the students on the spot events Artific heal and Best of waste in Zonal NASA held at Hubbali in Sept. 2018.
  • “CARVFEST” an Architectural Design competition was conducted by Suresh Angadi Education Foundation’s Angadi School of Architecture Belagavi on 28th March 2019 under 4 categories. Our students participated & won the Prizes in different categories.

        The Prizes won in different categories were -

  • Shaima Choudhary won first Prize under Category –I (III Sem. B. Arch)& 
  • Jaffer Hussaini won second prize under Category –I (III Sem. B. Arch)
  • Uma Mullapudi received participation certificate under Category II (V Sem. B. Arch)
  • Pragati Shrikant received participation certificate under Category III (VII Sem. B. Arch) 
2. 2016-2017


Lecture and Book Launch by Great master Architect :Ar.ChristoperBenninger : 8th April 2017 .

A Lecture and a Book launch event was organized by IIA –Kalaburagi Centre in Association with Dept. of Architecture ,PDA College of Engineering Kalaburagi.Chief Guest for the Event were Dr.SharanprakashPatil-Honarable Medical Education Minister,Govt of Karnataka/Incharge minister for Kalaburagi/ Chairman HKRDB Board.