YUVA NIDHI SCHEME: It is informed to the students who have passed their degree in 2022-2023, 2023 -2024 can apply for Yuva Nidhi scheme of government of Karnataka. Candidates can apply online at the Seva Sindhu portal or through Grama One, Karnataka One, or Bapuji Seva Centres.

Department of Physics

About Department

The Physics department is one of the oldest department of PDA College of Engineering and was established in the year 1958. 

The department offers Engineering Physics for I/II sem. The department has 6 faculties with well qualified, experienced and highly motivated members. The Department of physics is involved with teaching activities for UG and is recognized as a research center for pursuing Ph.D. in physics under VTU, the affiliating University with 3 approved research supervisors. Faculties are highly honorable in education, teaching, and research activities.  The Faculty traveled extensively in India and abroad to deliver/participate in national and international conferences.


To Build foundation for excellence and encourage the development of the institution as a premier institution, by igniting and nurturing enthusiasm, interests  and passion, in the study of Physics, in professional course, as a part of curriculum.

  • To provide a standard level of education in the field of engineering Physics for students and promote them to professional courses.
  • To awaken the young minds and discover their talents both in Theory and Practical physics, through dedication to teach, commitment towards students, and innovative instructional methods.
  • To develop a strategy in the department for continuous improvement.
  • The syllabus offered by the department at the undergraduate level is to teach Physics as a basic discipline whose focus is to make clear the fundamental concept about the material which is essential for technology.
  • Apart from regular teaching, the faculty is involved in research.