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Automobile Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
21. 2014-2015 International Conference

Siddalingappa R, Hotti, and Hebbal Omprakash. “Fatty acid composition and biodiesel characterization from non-edible oils for compression ignition engine applications”. ICEE -2014, JNTUH, Hyderabad, 15-17 December, 2014.

22. 2012-2013 National Conference

S. R Hotti, O D Hebbal “Biodiesel Fuel Properties, Standard Specifications and Their Test Methods” RAMEII-2012, Sep 20-22, 2012.

23. 2011-2012 National Journal

C.H.Biradar, K.A.Subramanian, M.G.Dastidar, (2011), “Performance Improvement and Emissions Reduction of a DI Diesel Engine for use of Karanja Biodiesel-diesel blend (B20) Using Diethyl Ether”, Symposium on International Automotive Technology, SAE Paper No.2011-26-0004, pp. 56 

Reference Link
24. 2011-2012 International Journal

Hotti, Siddalingappa R., and Omprakash Hebbal. "Performance and Combustion Characteristics of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Running on Karanja Oil/Diesel Fuel Blends." Engineering 3.4 (2011): 371-375. DOI:10.4236/eng.2011.34042

Reference Link
25. 2010-2011 International Conference

C.H.Biradar, M.G.Dastidar, K.A.Subramanian,( 2010). “Investigation on DeOiled jatropha seed cake as bio-adsorbent”, International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy volume I , pp. 421-429

26. 2009-2010 National Conference

Md. Mohasin, O D Hebbal, S R Hotti,  “Performance and Emission Characteristics of neat vegetable oils in a single cylinder DI Diesel Engine”, National conference ‘Commercialization of Renewable Energy Technology (CRET-2009), 21-23 October 2009’ D.Y.Patil University, Kolhapur.