YUVA NIDHI SCHEME: It is informed to the students who have passed their degree in 2022-2023, 2023 -2024 can apply for Yuva Nidhi scheme of government of Karnataka. Candidates can apply online at the Seva Sindhu portal or through Grama One, Karnataka One, or Bapuji Seva Centres.

Automobile Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
1. 2021-2022 International Conference

Shivasharanappa V Gubbewad , Amaresh R (Dec 2021) "Analysis of Experimental Wear Data of Materials and Ceramic based Composites from Literature by Validation of Wear Model Equation"  International Virtual Conference on Advances in Ceramic and Cement Technology Materials  and Manufacturing at PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi

2. 2021-2022 International Conference

Shivakumar A Patil, O D Hebbal , S R Hotti (March 2022)  “ Characterization of Deccan Hemp and Karanja Seed Cake for Production of Bio-oil” . International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical and Material Sciences - ICAMMS -2022 , at Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar 

3. 2021-2022 International Conference

Sharan Shegedar , C H Biradar (Nov 2021) “ Studies on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine fueled with Honge Pyrolysis oil blends” International conference on  Energy Conversion and Thermo-fluid systems (i-CONECTS 2021) , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

4. 2019-2020 International Conference

Mohd Hamid Hussain, CH Biradar . Experimental Investigation of Performance and Combustion Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Eruca sativa (Taramira) Biodiesel-Diesel Blend. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Industrial Automation and Smart Manufacturing

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5. 2019-2020 International Journal

Mohd Hamid Hussain, C H Biradar (2020). Production of Biodiesel from Eruca Sativa (Taramira) and Its Utilization in DI Diesel Engine for Examining the Exhaust Emissions. International Journal of Recent Technology Engg 2020;8:727–33. 

Reference Link
6. 2019-2020 International Journal

Mohd Hamid Hussain, CH Biradar (2020). Experimental Investigation of Performance and Combustion Characteristics of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Eruca sativa (Taramira) Biodiesel-Diesel Blend. Lect. Notes Mech. Eng., Springer Singapore; 2020, p. 879–93. 

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7. 2017-2018 International Journal

Husainsab M.Halemasuti, Channappa H.Biradar, (2017), “Experimental Investigation on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Single cylinder DI Diesel Engine Using a Dual Biodiesel and Diesel” International Journal for Science and Advanced Research in Technology, Volume 3, Issue-10

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8. 2017-2018 International Journal

Kanti Prashant, Channappa H.Biradar, (2017), “ Performance and Emission Study of Methyl Ester of Watermelon Seed Oil Operated at Varying Injection Pressure of DI Diesel Engine” International Journal for Science and Advanced Research in Technology, Volume 3, Issue-10

9. 2016-2017 National Journal

 Prakash D.Chavan, C.H.Biradar, (2016), “Numerical Investigation of convective heat transfer in pin fin type heat sink used for LED application by using CFD” Global Research and Development Journal For Engineering, Volume I, Issue-8

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10. 2016-2017 International Journal

Shivakumar Shankar, Harishchandra V Astagi, S R Hotti, Omprakash Hebbal "Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on Performance, Emissions and Combustion Characteristics of a Low Heat Rejection (LHR) Diesel Engine Using Pongamia Biodiesel." Journal of Thermal Engineering Special Issue 5: International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Istanbul 2016 (ICAME16) , Year: 2016, Volume: 2, Issue: 6, (DEC2016), pp:1007-1016 DOI: 10.18186/jte.77147

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