YUVA NIDHI SCHEME: It is informed to the students who have passed their degree in 2022-2023, 2023 -2024 can apply for Yuva Nidhi scheme of government of Karnataka. Candidates can apply online at the Seva Sindhu portal or through Grama One, Karnataka One, or Bapuji Seva Centres.

Civil Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
101. 2018-2019 International Journal

Percentage reduction of chloride nitrate by double chamber microbial fuel cell, international open Access Journal,Vol 6,issue 6,June-2019

102. 2018-2019 International Journal

removal of chemical oxygen demand from textile waste water by anaerobic digestion, international open Access Journal,Vol 6,issue 6,June-2019 

103. 2018-2019 International Journal

Adsorption and kinetic study for removal of Cr by Natural available adsorbents, International open Access Journal,Vol 6,issue 6,June-2019   

104. 2018-2019 International Journal

Removal of lead by adsorption using casuarinas fruit shell, international open Access Journal,Vol 6,issue 6,June-2019

105. 2018-2019 International Journal

Removal efficiency of chromium and zinc by recycle and reuse of fullers earth, laterite soil and black cotton soil, journal of the Institution Of Public Health Engineers,vol04,Jan-2019 

106. 2018-2019 International Journal

studies on the Physico-Chemical Charecteristics of Groundwater of sedam town and mapping by GIS Metho, international Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume 5, issue 7, July 2018 

107. 2018-2019 International Journal

Pick up of Chloride and nitrate of synthetic sample by using water hyacinth, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume 5, issue 7, July 2018  

108. 2018-2019 International Journal

Studies on the Physico-chemical characteristics of groundwater of Gurumitkal Town and mapping by GIS Method, international Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET

109. 2018-2019 International Journal

Ground water quality of Bhima River Basin near Jewargi taluk Gulbarga district, international Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET , eISSN :2319-1163 05 July 2018 

110. 2018-2019 International Journal

comparative study on wind analysis of multi story RCC,Steel and composite structure, international journal for reaserch in Applied science and engineering technology (IJRASET) ISSN:2321-9653, vol-7, issue-6 ,June-2019