YUVA NIDHI SCHEME: It is informed to the students who have passed their degree in 2022-2023, 2023 -2024 can apply for Yuva Nidhi scheme of government of Karnataka. Candidates can apply online at the Seva Sindhu portal or through Grama One, Karnataka One, or Bapuji Seva Centres.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
91. 2016-2017 International Journal

Dr. P K Kulkarni: "Region localization and Segmentation Using Recurrent Morphological Coding "

92. 2016-2017 International Journal

Dr. P K Kulkarni: “Density Driven Image Coding for Tumor Detection in MRI Image ”

93. 2015-2016 International Journal

“Distributed power flow controller modugued UPFC with an eliminated common DC link" Dr. Nagabhushan Patil.

94. 2015-2016 International Journal

“Reactive power compensation in single -phase operation, International of Electrical and Electronics Research, Volume -3 Issue -3 2015, Page No 112-118” by Dr. Nagabhushan Patil.

95. 2015-2016 International Conference

Sangamesh G. Sakri, Akash N. Patil, Sadashivappa M. Kotli, “A Study to Assess the Energy Saving Potential and Economic Analysis of an Agro-Based Industry in Karnataka, India” ICOREM 2016 : 18th International Conference on Oil Reserves and Energy Management to be held in New York, USA during June, 6-7, 2016. Accepted.


96. 2015-2016 International Journal

Prof. Mahadevi Biradar, “Bidirectional Double -Boost DC-DC Converter”- International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT),35, 2016.

97. 2015-2016 International Journal

Prof. Mahadevi Biradar, “Speed sensorless Vector Control of Induction Motor using Reduced Order Extended Kalman Filter” - International Journal of Innovative Science Engineering & Technology,3, 2016.

98. 2015-2016 International Journal

Prof. Mahadevi Biradar “A seven & Thirteen Level Multilevel Inverter Topology for Power grid” - International Journal of Scientific Engineering & Technology Research, 5, 32, 2016

99. 2015-2016 International Conference

Sanjeeva Kumar R A presented a research abstract titled “Power Quality and Reliability enhancement in the power system by optimal integration of distributed generation.” ISAPDE,IEEE-PES Bangalore Chapter at NIE, Mysuru on Aug 28-29, 2015

100. 2015-2016 International Journal

Chandrasekhara S  Akshay S Aspalli and Pawan Rangdal  " Governance And Political Entrepreneurship In India" National Level Conference on “MAKE IN INDIA _ AN OPPORTUNITY FOR EMERGING ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES” on 5th and 6th February 2016.