YUVA NIDHI SCHEME: It is informed to the students who have passed their degree in 2022-2023, 2023 -2024 can apply for Yuva Nidhi scheme of government of Karnataka. Candidates can apply online at the Seva Sindhu portal or through Grama One, Karnataka One, or Bapuji Seva Centres.

List of National & International Journals

Department of Civil Engineering
  1. Civil engg.construction review
  2. Construction world
  3. Indian concrete journal
  4. Indian highways
  5. Buildotech:bldg.tech.& maintenance
  6. Indian journal of structural design & construction
  7. Indian journal of environmental research & development
  8. Indian journal of materials & structural system
  9. Indian geotechnical journal
  10. Journal of applied hydrology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
  1. Indian jnl.of engineering & material science
  2. Ind.j.of thermal & fluid engineering
  3. Iup jnl.of mechanical engineering
  4. Indian jnl of mechanics & structure
  5. Indian jnl of fluids engineering
  6. Indian journal of nanotechnology
  7. Ind.jnl.of app engg research & technology
  8. Ind.jnl.of themal engg & technology
  9. Ind.jnl.of advances in mechanical engg
  10. Ind.jnl.of advances in tribology
  11. Transactions on machine design
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  1. Manufacturing technology today
  2. Journal of mines, metals & fuels
  3. Foundry
  4. Journal of manufacturing engineering
  5. Ind.Jl.of adv.in robotics & automation
  6. Ind.Jl.of industrial & production engg & technology
  7. Jnl.of Management & entrepreneurship
  8. Jnl. of Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
  1. Voice & data
  2. Current trends in signal processing
  3. Jnl. of instrumentation tech & innovation
  4. Industrial automation
Department of Industrial and Production Engineering
  1. Ind. Jnl.of power & river valley development
  2. Ind.jnl.of electrical & electronics engg.
  3. Int.jnl.of electrical power & energy research
  4. Ind.jnl.of control science & engg.
  5. Jnl.of energy storage & conversion
  6. Ind.jnl.of electrical engg. & modern technology
  7. Ieema journal
Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
  1. Electronics for you
  2. Embedded for you
  3. International Journal of communication
  4. Indian Journal of electronics & microcircuit
  5. Indian Journal of electronic circuits & devices
  6. Indian Journal of electronics, network, device & field
  7. Indian journal of sensors
  8. Indian Journal of advance electronics engineering
  9. Electronic devices
  10. Indian Journal of electronics & communication
  11. IOEI:Series B
Department of Architecture
  1. Ind.jnl.of mobile computing
  2. Ind.jnl.of wireless communication & network
  3. Ictact jnl on image & video process
  4. Indian.jnl.of wireless communication
  5. Iup jnl of telecommunication
  6. Jnl.of wavelet theory & application
  7. Indian journal of networking
  8. Signal & telecommunication journal
  9. Jnl. of telecomm switch system & network
  10. Int.jnl.of electronics.& telecommunication & inst
  11. Int.jnl.on information & communication technology
Department of Ceramic and Cement Technology
  1. Indian Journal of Health Science & Biomedical Research.
  2. Indian Journal of Neural Networks Research.
  3. Jnl.of computational Biomedical.Engg. & Telemedicine.
  4. Indian Journal of Electrical & Biomedical Engineering.
  5. Int.Jnl.of Biomedical Signal Processing.
  6. Int.Jnl.of Biomedical & Heathcare science
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  1. C S I communications
  2. Journal of computer science
  3. Ind.jnl.of computer graphics & visualization
  4. Ind.jnl.of computing & high speed net
  5. Open source for you(linux for you)
  6. Data Quest
  7. Indian Journal of advanced software Engineering
  8. Indian Journal of Information Security & Com
  9. Journal of Intelligent Learning systems & application
  10. Journal of Neural system theory & application
Department of Automobile Engineering
  1. Pc quest
  2. digital learning
  3. Iup journal of soft skills
  4. Iup jnl. of information technology
  5. Ind.jnl.of neural networks research
  6. Journal of cybernetics & systems
  7. Jnl.of network & information security
  8. Jnl. of applied information science
  9. Indi.jnl.of I.T. & computer engineering
Department of Information Science and Engineering
  1. Pc quest
  2. digital learning
  3. Iup journal of soft skills
  4. Iup jnl. of information technology
  5. Ind.jnl.of neural networks research
  6. Journal of cybernetics & systems
  7. Jnl.of network & information security
  8. Jnl. of applied information science
  9. Indi.jnl.of I.T. & computer engineering
Department of Physics
  1. Physics for you
  2. Pramana - journal of physics
  3. Int.jnl.of pure & applied physics
  4. Int.jnl.of materials physics
Department of Chemistry
  1. Chemistry to day
  2. Jnl. of chemical science
  3. Rasayan journal of chemistry
  4. Int.jnl.of chemistry & application
Department of Mathematics
  1. Intl.jnl.of applied mathematics
  2. Jnl of ramanujan mathematical society
  3. Mathematical modelling & applied computing of nat.phen
  4. Indian Journal of pure & applied mathematics