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Computer Science and Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
231. 2017-2018 International Journal

Jyothi Koppad, Patil Rekha

A Fast And Easy Mechanism For Identifying Data Provenance Imitation and Packet Drop Attacks In Wireless Sensor Networks, International research journal of engineering and technology, volume 4, issue3, pp no.1785-1790, ISSN:2395-0072.

232. 2017-2018 International Journal

Gangotri Tamman, Patil Rekha

Prevention of service denial in collaboration network, International journal for innovative research  in science  and technology, volume 4, issue-5, ISSN:2349-6010.

233. 2017-2018 International Journal

Preeti, Anuradha T

Exclusion of Denial of Service Attack using Graph Theory in MANETs, IRJET, volume 4, pp no.  3394-3399, ISSN: 2395-3861. 

234. 2017-2018 International Journal

Pooja, Anuradha T

Mitigation of Wormhole attack using Exclusive Algorithms in MANETs, IRJET, volume 6, pp no.388-393, ISSN: 2278-0181.

235. 2017-2018 International Journal

Amareshwari Patil, Sadia Tazeen

A Falsification-Opposing direction structure in wireless multi-hop network for video traffic, IJSETR, volume 6, Issue 6, pp no.1082-1085, ISSN:2278-7798.

236. 2017-2018 International Journal

Radha B K, Rajashree Pawar

Real Time Ambulatory Monitoring System, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 4, Issue 5, pp no. 605-611, E-ISSN: 2395-0056.

237. 2017-2018 International Journal


Segmentation and Identification of Indian food items from Images, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, volume 8, pp no. 49-50, ISSN : 2248-9622.

238. 2017-2018 International Journal


A Image Classification Technique for Textual Pattern Retrieval in Universal Images, International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications, volume 9, pp no. 169-178, ISSN: 2229-6093.

239. 2017-2018 International Journal

Shailaja S, Jyoti K

IOT Based Evidence Collection System for Vehicle Accidents, International Journal of computer Trends and Technology, Volume 59, Issue 2, pp no. 103-109, ISSN:2231-2803.

240. 2017-2018 International Journal

Shailaja, Dr. Krishnamurthy G N

Low Area FPGA Implementation of DROM-CSLA-QTL Architecture for Cryptographic Applications, International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), Volume-10, Issue- 3, pp no. 25-37.

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