YUVA NIDHI SCHEME: It is informed to the students who have passed their degree in 2022-2023, 2023 -2024 can apply for Yuva Nidhi scheme of government of Karnataka. Candidates can apply online at the Seva Sindhu portal or through Grama One, Karnataka One, or Bapuji Seva Centres.

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Research

  • Biomedical Engineering

Research Faculty Details

S.No Research Supervisor Specialization Awarded University Year of Award
1. Dr. Kalpana Vanjerkhede Biomedical Engineering SRTMU,Nanded, Maharastra 2015
2. Dr. Channappa Bhyri Biomedical Engineering SRTMU, Nanded, Maharastra 2014

Research Scholars

S.No Guide Name USN Student Name Field of Study Scholar Type Research Type Year of Admission
1. Dr. Channappa Bhyri 3PD18PIT01 Nishant Joshi ST Segment analysis and classification of myocardial infarction and non ischemic ST elevation patterns using wavelet transform Part Time Ph.D 2018
2. Dr. Channappa Bhyri 3PD17PES03 Adaptive detection of different features of diabetic retinopathy using image processing Brain abnormality detection using EEG Signal analysis Part Time Ph.D 2017
3. Dr. Kalpana Vanjerkhede 3PD17PEA01 Rakhee Patil Design and Optimisation of Sierpinski Fractal Antenna Part Time Ph.D 2017
4. Dr. Kalpana Vanjerkhede 3PD17PES12 MOHAMMED ZIAULLAH Automatic Detection and Prediction of Epilepsy Seizure Disorder Using EEG Signal Analysis Part Time Ph.D 2017
5. Dr. Kalpana Vanjerkhede ******** Asha Rani Data Mining in Biology and Medicine Part Time Ph.D 2017
6. Dr. Kalpana Vanjerkhede 3PD17PES09 Ambika Remote Health Monitoring and Management Using IOT Sensing With Cloud Based Processing Part Time Ph.D 2017
7. Dr. Channappa Bhyri 3PD16PEJ12 Vandana Diagnosing abnormal Electrocardiogram and implementation of the health cloud platform. Part Time Ph.D 2016
8. Dr. Channappa Bhyri 3PD16PEJ28 Srinivas Kalaskar Energy optimization in cluster based wireless sensor network. Part Time Ph.D 2016
9. Dr. Channappa Bhyri ****** Soumya S Patil Adaptive detection of different features of diabetic retinopathy using image processing Part Time Ph.D 2016
10. Dr. Kalpana Vanjerkhede 5VZ16PEJ90 Umera Banu A Unified Signal Processing and Machine Learning Method for Classification and Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases for Smoker and Non-Smoker Part Time Ph.D 2016
11. Dr. Channappa Bhyri 3PD16PEJ03 Shanubhogar Prakash Computerized pre-operative and post recursive segmentation and registration of brain tumor using magnetic resonance images Part Time Ph.D 2015
12. Dr. Channappa Bhyri 3PD15PEJ05 Ladekar Prakash Image stitching for panoramic view and monitoring global land usage using satellite images Part Time Ph.D 2014

Title : AN EWA Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

Description : Memorandum of Understanding for Industrial Training and Internships for Students

Reference Files:

  • MOU_ANEWA.pdf
  • Reference Link: