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Computer Science and Engineering Publications

Year National Journals International Journals National Conferences International Conferences
S.No Year Type Publication Details
181. 2018-2019 International Journal

Soumya M Anakal, Pooja k

A novel of load balance distribution and multiple at selection schemes in hetrogenous wireless sensor network, IJCST, volume 10, issue 3, ISSN- 0976-8491.

182. 2017-2018 International Journal

Dr. Suvarna Nandyal, Suvarna Kanakreddy

Bottom up Fuzzy Parsers: Fuzzy Canonical LR and Fuzzy LALR Parsers for Parsing Natural Language, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 9 No 3S, pp 417-421.

183. 2017-2018 International Conference

Dr. Suvarna Nandyal, Suvarna Kanakreddy

Application of Natural Language Processing: Identification of Blooms Levels in an Examination Question Paper, IEEE, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing (EECCMC).

184. 2017-2018 International Journal

Dr. Suvarna Nandyal, Suvarna Kanakreddy

Fuzzy LALR Parser for Parsing Natural Language Sentences of English Language, International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management and Applied Science(IJLTEMAS), volume 6 issue VIIS, pp no.104-109.

185. 2017-2018 International Conference

Dr.Suvarna Nandyal

Dynamic Fuzzy Parser to parse english sentence using POS Tagger and Fuzzy Max-Min Technique, IEEE International Conference on Current trends towards converging technologies - 2018

186. 2017-2018 International Conference

Dr.Suvarna Nandyal

Survey on Parts–Of–Speech Tagger for Natural Language Processing, IEEE International Conference on Current trends towards converging technologies - 2018,  SVS College of Engineering Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

187. 2017-2018 International Journal

Dr.Suvarna Nandyal, Sabiya Sultana, Sadaf Anjum

Smart Car Parking System using Arduino UNO, International Journal of Computer Applications , Volume 169  no.1, pp no.13-18.

188. 2017-2018 International Journal

Dr. Rekha Patil

Smart grid computing on visual deficiencies using WSN, IJSRCAMS, 

ISSN/ISBN/ACCN No.2320-9798.

189. 2017-2018 International Journal

 Dr. Rekha Patil

Machine learning Approach for prediction of disease using unstructured data set, IJIRCCE.

190. 2017-2018 International Journal

Dr. Rekha Patil

Resource sharing between tenants in the cloud using cross tenant access control(CTAC) model: format specification and verification, IJIRCCE, ISSN/ISBN/ACCN No. 2320-9801.